Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life

Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life

Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life

Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This volume discusses the importance of Peirce´s philosophy and theory of signs to the development of Biosemiotics, the science that studies the deep interrelation between meaning and life. Peirce considered semeiotic as a general logic part of a complex architectonic philosophy that includes mathematics, phenomenology and a theory of reality. The authors are Peirce scholars, biologists, philosophers and semioticians united by an interdisciplinary endeavor to understand the mysteries of the origin of life and its related phenomena such as consciousness, perception, representation and communication.

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