Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ The Naughty List by Michael Fry, Bradley Jackson

The Naughty List by Michael Fry, Bradley Jackson

The Naughty List

The Naughty List by Michael Fry, Bradley Jackson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When Bobbie's hilariously bumbling efforts to save her brother's Christmas actually land him on Santa's Naughty List, she must travel to the North Pole to make things right again and save Christmas. Bobbie suddenly finds herself on an epic holiday adventure complete with rogue elves, dysfunctional reindeer, a lazy Santa, and more.

Fans of the Big Nate and Diary of a Wimpy Kid series will love this laugh-out-loud funny Christmas adventure packed with comic illustrations.

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