Senin, 28 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ USS Mason: Brave sailors who fought a war and segregation by Dr. Lorrine Alyce Garrison-Boyd

USS Mason: Brave sailors who fought a war and segregation by Dr. Lorrine Alyce Garrison-Boyd

USS Mason: Brave sailors who fought a war and segregation

USS Mason: Brave sailors who fought a war and segregation by Dr. Lorrine Alyce Garrison-Boyd PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"USS Mason" is the true story of African American sailors who proudly served their country during WW II. The book was written to honor these men (especially the father of the author) and to also challenge as well as motivate young boys to do their best to be their best. Written and illustrated by two educators, the book was created especially for young readers and includes a helpful discussion guide. The discussion guide was designed to be used to gain further understanding of the story's message and to support the development of good morals and excellent character by each reader. The colorful illustrations also offer a unique insight into the historical, political and military elements of the story and the events that structured the experiences of these sailors. During World War II, the USS Mason was chosen to participate in combat during the worst storm of the North Atlantic in the twentieth century. While fulfilling its assignment, the men of the USS Mason faced dangerous uncertainties and when calls were sent for help, no escorts came to the Mason’s assistance. The storm hindered the crewmen’s safety with visibility dropping to zero. The ship’s structure was pushed to its limit, resulting in the deck splitting as well as beams collapsing. At one point during the storm, the possibility of the ship sinking was inevitable. However, due to the perseverance of the crew, repairs were made and the sailors continued to provide aid to the convoy of which they were assigned. This book would be an excellent resource for individual readers and their fathers (or mentors) to read and explore together. The book could also be used as an activity assignment for specific groups designed to address and support the needs of young men challenged by different aspects of today's society. The book also includes a Biblical reference to the importance of seeking God’s guidance.

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USS Mason: Brave sailors who fought a war and segregation by Dr. Lorrine Alyce Garrison-Boyd EPub

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