Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Rebecca's Coloring Book: Adult coloring featuring mandalas, abstract and floral artwork by Amy Smith

Rebecca's Coloring Book: Adult coloring featuring mandalas, abstract and floral artwork by Amy Smith

Rebecca's Coloring Book: Adult coloring featuring mandalas, abstract and floral artwork

Rebecca's Coloring Book: Adult coloring featuring mandalas, abstract and floral artwork by Amy Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Welcome to this wonderful collection of creator Amy Smith's favorite highly-detailed and mesmerizing illustrations - guaranteed to bring you hours of fun and enjoyment. These colorful and quirky books are uniquely personalized for either yourself or a loved one. Each book even has a special themed name word-art page, personalized to the recipient. Other illustrations include beautiful mandalas, stunning florals and eye-catching abstracts.

Let your imagination flow and the stress seep away. These drawings are intended to transport you to another place and help ease the stress of daily life. Displayed on an attractive square page size (8.5 x 8.5 inch), this book is the perfect gift or treat for yourself!

-please note, certain drawings have been featured in other titles by author Amy Smith, so content may be repeated elsewhere.

If you would like to buy a personalized coloring book that isn't currently available, contact Amy via

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Rebecca's Coloring Book: Adult coloring featuring mandalas, abstract and floral artwork by Amy Smith EPub

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