Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Coping with Multisystem Complications, 1e by Mosby

Coping with Multisystem Complications, 1e by Mosby

Coping with Multisystem Complications, 1e

Coping with Multisystem Complications, 1e by Mosby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

COPING WITH MULTISYMPTOM COMPLICATIONS provides detailed explanations of how combinations of major disorders interact and thereby affect one another when they occur in the same patient. Discussions for each disorder cover anatomy and physiology, causes, expected assessment findings, diagnostic test results, nursing and medical interventions, and patient teaching. Understandable explanations of underlying pathophysiology and specific nursing care are provided for each combination of disorders. Most important, the book spells out what to do when a patient with multisymptom disorders develops complications particularly, life-threatening complications.

* Packed with easy-to-find quick-reference features and in-depth information on more than 100 major complications * Offers reliable guidance on how to adapt your nursing care, how drug interactions will affect particular patients, how to provide comfort measures, and how to respond to life-threatening complications * Conveniently organized according to the 13 major disorders you encounter most frequently: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, CVA, emphysema, and more!

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