Rabu, 08 April 2015

PDF⋙ Prioritizing Your Priorities by Lawrence G Vaughn Sr

Prioritizing Your Priorities by Lawrence G Vaughn Sr

Prioritizing Your Priorities

Prioritizing Your Priorities by Lawrence G Vaughn Sr PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

How is it that there are so many of us who now have more than we have ever had, live better than we have ever lived, and yet there is still a major search for contentment, there is no peace, not happiness. I believe that the answer lies in what we have allowed to become our new priority. The book of Haggai is the clarion call for us to wake up and take a conscientious look at what we are doing and what we have allowed to become our major concerns in life. God is calling for us to consider our ways, and after we do that to get our priorities back in place. We need to make sure that we prioritize our priorities.

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