Great Houses of New York, 1880-1930 (Urban Domestic Architecture) by Michael C. Kathrens
Great Houses of New York, 1880-1930 (Urban Domestic Architecture) by Michael C. Kathrens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
GREAT HOUSES OF NEW YORK, 1880-1930 presents the stories of 43 most elegant houses built in New York. With over 300 archival photographs and floor plans and a decade of research, Michael Kathrens profiles New York houses known only for their magisterial presence on the city s most elegant boulevards, some of which still exist today. IN the book the lavish rooms are brought to life again polished black and white columns reflect in the marble floor of a grand entryway, Dutch master paintings line damask walls in the second floor reception room, a crystal chandelier softly lights a dining rooms whose boiserie glows with paintings by Boucher evoking the elegant private life that has become a trademark of the wealthy New Yorker.From reader reviews:
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